2023 Angus and Willow litter 

 Angus and Willow gave us a litter of (6) gorgeous pups in February 2023. (3) are off to new farms and at this time (mid April) we still have (3) awesome pups available.





2023 Alberta Lamb Producers (ALP)

 We were featured in the first ALP - Producers Spotlight. I wrote a short bio on our farm and adventures in raising sheep.

Check it out at this link.


  Calgary Stampede Sheep Showcase


It is always our pleasure and privilege to participate in the Calgary Stampede- Sheep Showcase. We met more great people and had some fantastic experiences!! Doug continues to serve on the Sheep Committee and learns a lot from that experience. We plan to be back in 2023 with our friends from the Calgary Stampede Sheep Committee. We no longer bring sheep to the Showcase to maintain our closed flock.

Calgary Stampede Sheep Showcase 2014 Hannah Noyes

Calgary Stampede Sheep Showcase 2015Calgary Stampede Sheep Showcase 2015

American Blackbelly Ewe and lamb Rusty Iron Acres


American Blackbelly ram Rusty Iron Acres

Open Rusty Iron Acres- American Blackbelly Sheep Farm